26. Sausage Queen’s five-year vision for thousands of knitted sausages

“Both my designer and I like really specific things — so each sausage is 25cm long with a 20cm loop in the middle and I’m knitting to a swatch of colours that she’s provided me”.
Drop in for a sausage at The Sausage Factory.
Recorded on Feb 20, 2021 as part of #100in24 — Mike’s 100 interviews in 24 hours project.
Original artwork by Ashley Ronning.
Recorded live at The Sausage Factory, Dulwich Hill on unceded Gadigal land.
Producers: Gab Burke, Tom Denham, Madeline Goldberger, Gus Macdonald, Ryan Pemberton and Joey Watson (EP).

15. Olivia Rosenman is tired: “it feels like the lights turn out in little bits of your brain”

44. Crashing Victor, Leon and Belle’s celebratory dinner

39. Amie Macdonald has a wedding to wrangle
Tagged #100in24