46. The creative arc of Shannon Williams

46. The creative arc of Shannon Williams “The phone just stopped ringing for me, and it was good thing because I could just focus and really engage with my children — it’s led to some really good things”. Listen to Koori radio brekkie show, 93.7FM on the Koori dial. Recorded on Feb 20, 2021 as […]
45. Vanessa Berry’s map of Dulwich Hill

45. Vanessa Berry’s map of Dulwich Hill “The places I tend to love are the places on their way to getting demolished”. Recorded on Feb 20, 2021 as part of #100in24 — Mike’s 100 interviews in 24 hours project. #100in24 home Credits: Original artwork by Ashley Ronning. Recorded live at The Sausage Factory, Dulwich Hill on […]
44. Crashing Victor, Leon and Belle’s celebratory dinner

44. Crashing Victor, Leon and Belle’s celebratory dinner “I just rocked up, that’s all I did. There was food and it was close to home”. Recorded on Feb 20, 2021 as part of #100in24 — Mike’s 100 interviews in 24 hours project. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6SFNW5F8K9Y #100in24 home Credits: Original artwork by Ashley Ronning. Recorded live at The […]
43. Blinky Jill and the Sheik of Wallaby Creek

43. Blinky Jill and the Sheik of Wallaby Creek “We’re just beside ourselves, we can’t believe how good things are at the moment”. Recorded on Feb 20, 2021 as part of #100in24 — Mike’s 100 interviews in 24 hours project. #100in24 home Credits: Original artwork by Ashley Ronning. Recorded live at The Sausage Factory, Dulwich […]
42. Tim Harris is a saltwater boy

42. Tim Harris is a saltwater boy “Port Macquarie has been God’s waiting room for 15 or 20 years”. Recorded on Feb 20, 2021 as part of #100in24 — Mike’s 100 interviews in 24 hours project. #100in24 home Credits: Original artwork by Ashley Ronning. Recorded live at The Sausage Factory, Dulwich Hill on unceded Gadigal land. […]
41. Text message etiquette with Michael Magee

41. Text message etiquette with Michael Magee “Do you feel mindful right now? Are you in the moment with me?” Recorded on Feb 20, 2021 as part of #100in24 — Mike’s 100 interviews in 24 hours project. #100in24 home Credits: Original artwork by Ashley Ronning. Recorded live at The Sausage Factory, Dulwich Hill on unceded Gadigal […]
40. Jim Flanagan (rare interview with sausage prince)

40. Jim Flanagan (rare interview with sausage prince) “It’s casual thoughtlessness and in the Covid world, we need to stop doing that to each other”. Recorded on Feb 20, 2021 as part of #100in24 — Mike’s 100 interviews in 24 hours project. #100in24 home Credits: Original artwork by Ashley Ronning. Recorded live at The Sausage […]
39. Amie Macdonald has a wedding to wrangle

39. Amie Macdonald has a wedding to wrangle “Ah look, obviously you want to invite everyone, but when push comes to shove we had to cut a couple of people — they’re in the maybe pile”. Recorded on Feb 20, 2021 as part of #100in24 — Mike’s 100 interviews in 24 hours project. #100in24 home […]
38. Matthew Macdonald is helping Men with Manners

38. Matthew Macdonald is helping Men with Manners “I have this idea that a lot of people — with a simple mindset shift — could live a far more positive life and that’s what I’m looking to spread with these quotes and articles. I just want people to be happier.” Follow @men.with.manners on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/men.with.manners/ […]
37. Jess Bineth on the cusp of giving birth

37. Jess Bineth on the cusp of giving birth “The feeling is kicks in the rib, that started this week in a really big way”. Recorded on Feb 20, 2021 as part of #100in24 — Mike’s 100 interviews in 24 hours project. #100in24 home Credits: Original artwork by Ashley Ronning. Recorded live at The Sausage […]
36. Jack Styles is the Blue Groper of board games

36. Jack Styles is the Blue Groper of board games “At my house, my brother is the games master, I’m just his minion. So it’s like I’ve finally gone out in the world and stood on my own two feet”. Recorded on Feb 20, 2021 as part of #100in24 — Mike’s 100 interviews in 24 […]
35. Stef Styles and the fortune teller’s prediction

35. Stef Styles and the fortune teller’s prediction “England just seemed to be one of those places where all the music and lyrics that I’d heard, I wanted to get to know”. Recorded on Feb 20, 2021 as part of #100in24 — Mike’s 100 interviews in 24 hours project. #100in24 home Credits: Original artwork by […]
34. Thanks for your support, Jo Williams

34. Thanks for your support, Jo Williams “I would ask you how you’re going except I’ve been told not to ask you how you’re going”. Recorded on Feb 20, 2021 as part of #100in24 — Mike’s 100 interviews in 24 hours project. #100in24 home Credits: Original artwork by Ashley Ronning. Recorded live at The Sausage […]
33. Mark Spencer’s campaign to make ‘climate’ a podcast category

33. Mark Spencer’s campaign to make ‘climate’ a podcast category “You gotta name the space before it can thrive”. More info about a climate category for Apple Podcasts: https://www.podcastersdeclare.com/ Recorded on Feb 20, 2021 as part of #100in24 — Mike’s 100 interviews in 24 hours project. #100in24 home Credits: Original artwork by Ashley Ronning. Recorded […]
32. Holiday dreaming with Laura Lombe

32. Holiday dreaming with Laura Lombe “When I’m overseas I’m pretty unstructured”. Recorded on Feb 20, 2021 as part of #100in24 — Mike’s 100 interviews in 24 hours project. #100in24 home Credits: Original artwork by Ashley Ronning. Recorded live at The Sausage Factory, Dulwich Hill on unceded Gadigal land. Producers: Gab Burke, Tom Denham, Madeline Goldberger, Gus […]
31. Luanne Shneier explains synchronised ice-skating(!)

31. Luanne Shneier explains synchronised ice-skating(!) “When people find out I ice skate in Australia it’s a bit of a weird thing and they assume I’m from another country, which is true… but South Africa is even more random to pick up the sport”. Recorded on Feb 20, 2021 as part of #100in24 — Mike’s […]
30. Dot Markek’s earliest music roots

30. Dot Markek’s earliest music roots “I think that’s one of the consequences of the job — I rarely listen for pleasure these days”. Recorded on Feb 20, 2021 as part of #100in24 — Mike’s 100 interviews in 24 hours project. #100in24 home Credits: Original artwork by Ashley Ronning. Recorded live at The Sausage Factory, […]
29. Jane Waterson: “it felt absolutely ridiculous, but amazing at the same time”

29. Jane Waterson: “it felt absolutely ridiculous, but amazing at the same time” “I wanted to go out on my own for a while. Covid actually felt like the perfect time to do that because everyone was transitioning in and out of jobs… I don’t think I would have had the courage if it wasn’t […]
28. Mitchell Turner’s music comeback

28. Mitchell Turner’s music comeback “It’s a song called Mrs Macquarie’s Chair. I wrote it ages ago melodically and only recently got the lyrics up and going”. Recorded on Feb 20, 2021 as part of #100in24 — Mike’s 100 interviews in 24 hours project. #100in24 home Credits: Original artwork by Ashley Ronning. Recorded live at […]
27. Kate Montague was “pretty rough around the edges back then”

27. Kate Montague was “pretty rough around the edges back then” “They came into the office and I raided our work fridge and I gave them all soft drink. I gave them all the crappy sugary drinks and pretended I was a cool person that has a job with a fridge that’s full of soft […]
26. Sausage Queen’s five-year vision for thousands of knitted sausages

26. Sausage Queen’s five-year vision for thousands of knitted sausages “Both my designer and I like really specific things — so each sausage is 25cm long with a 20cm loop in the middle and I’m knitting to a swatch of colours that she’s provided me”. Drop in for a sausage at The Sausage Factory. Recorded […]
25. Jane Curtis’ inner-west icons

25. Jane Curtis’ inner-west icons “One thing I remember is hearing about Reverse Garbage and imaging it in my head as this magical, mythical place where you could go and find anything… It didn’t seem like there was anything else like it in Australia”. Find out more about Jane Curtis’ work. Recorded on Feb 20, […]
24. Cooking with Kris Lawson

24. Cooking with Kris Lawson “I love cooking YouTube… That is my go-to thing to watch on YouTube (apart from tech content). I’m vegetarian and I still watch all of the videos — they’re cooking with pork belly — I still watch it because I’m interested in what they’re doing!” Check out Kris’ daily science, […]
23. Tom Denham explains why The Fat Controller does not exist anymore

23. Tom Denham explains why The Fat Controller does not exist anymore “I’ve always fallen in love with radio drama and I love seeing that being brought about again in an indie/alternate way”. Find out more about Tom’s work. Recorded on Feb 20, 2021 as part of #100in24 — Mike’s 100 interviews in 24 hours […]
22. Aemyn Connolly on controlling creative chaos

22. Aemyn Connolly on controlling creative chaos “It’s very hard to restrain yourself when you’re working alone on something creative. The scope of things just gets bigger and bigger and the directions things try and go just get very chaotic”. Hear some of Aemyn’s work: https://aemyn.carrd.co/ Recorded on Feb 20, 2021 as part of #100in24 […]
21. Sparse, flat and red — Elsa Silberstein in Kalgoorlie

21. Sparse, flat and red — Elsa Silberstein in Kalgoorlie “There’s a real sense of sparseness… No-one is in a rush, people take their time to tell you about what they think about the world”. Recorded on Feb 20, 2021 as part of #100in24 — Mike’s 100 interviews in 24 hours project. #100in24 home Credits: […]
20. Melb 2 Beirut with Rebecca M

20. Melb 2 Beirut with Rebecca M “I started to go to lessons in formal Arabic — if you don’t try and learn it properly you won’t be able to pass it down”. Recorded on Feb 20, 2021 as part of #100in24 — Mike’s 100 interviews in 24 hours project. Search @melb2beirut on instragram. #100in24 […]
19. Hey Max Ryan can I crash at your house tonight?!

19. Hey Max Ryan can I crash at your house tonight?! “We’re a good Anglo-Saxon family, I’d said 48 hours is the tenure and then we’re all on each other’s nerves”. Recorded on Feb 20, 2021 as part of #100in24 — Mike’s 100 interviews in 24 hours project. Max’s partner Carmen first appeared in season […]
18. Jess O’Callaghan remembers Fantasy Glades and Peppermint Park

18. Jess O’Callaghan remembers Fantasy Glades and Peppermint Park “I think I’d always entertained the notion, ‘oh maybe one day I’ll go back’ but in the last couple of months prices in Port Macquarie have gone bananas”. Recorded on Feb 20, 2021 as part of #100in24 — Mike’s 100 interviews in 24 hours project. #100in24 […]
17. Dan Semo gears up for the Tokyo Olympics

17. Dan Semo gears up for the Tokyo Olympics “They really want them to happen. I’ve kept saying ‘no, I wouldn’t expect it to happen’ but I think they’re going to plow on and stage them in some way, my guess is probably without spectators”. Recorded on Feb 20, 2021 as part of #100in24 — […]
16. How Amy Bennett got hooked on Sumo

16. How Amy Bennett got hooked on Sumo “Once you start watching it and getting into the storylines it gets really fascinating”. Listen to Amy’s sumo podcast, Sumo Mainichi Recorded on Feb 20, 2021 as part of #100in24 — Mike’s 100 interviews in 24 hours project. #100in24 home Credits: Original artwork by Ashley Ronning. Recorded […]
15. Olivia Rosenman is tired: “it feels like the lights turn out in little bits of your brain”

15. Olivia Rosenman is tired: “it feels like the lights turn out in little bits of your brain” “That’s why people keep having babies — they’re these little babies you just old and cuddle and then very quickly they’re running around tearing shit up and then people are like, I just want another little baby […]
14. With Darcy Christ on our team, we can’t lose

14. With Darcy Christ on our team, we can’t lose “We saw some sign for a dog in Gundagai but we didn’t stop”. Recorded on Feb 20, 2021 as part of #100in24 — Mike’s 100 interviews in 24 hours project. #100in24 home Credits: Original artwork by Ashley Ronning. Recorded live at The Sausage Factory, Dulwich […]
13. Julie Butterworth on the social stigma of being a nurse during the pandemic

13. Julie Butterworth on the social stigma of being a nurse during the pandemic Photo by Julie Butterworth “No-one wants to hang out — it was very lonely. And then on top of that they don’t understand what it’s like”. Recorded on Feb 20, 2021 as part of #100in24 — Mike’s 100 interviews in 24 […]
12. Tips on starting a fiction podcast with Angus Macdonald

12. Tips on starting a fiction podcast with Angus Macdonald “Before I put it out I wanted it to be the most perfect thing that has ever existed… I listened to it so many times I was getting desensitised to the actual story. I was focussing in on mouth clicks and levels and stuff that […]
11. How did Kirby Fenwick discover her passion for women in sport?

11. How did Kirby Fenwick discover her passion for women in sport? “All of a sudden there were people that look like me (although of course, much younger and fitter) playing this game and that really opened a door for me into a world that I feel is my place”. Recorded on Feb 20, 2021 […]
10. Sarah Maree Cameron: “I’m really busy playing Midnight Oil and Foo Fighters”

10. Sarah Maree Cameron: “I’m really busy playing Midnight Oil and Foo Fighters”
9. Paul Donoughue’s fire buggy

9. Paul Donoughue’s fire buggy “Firefighter books are very much a pack of blokes being courageous so we’ve had to reinterpret them so he doesn’t think that to be a firefighter is to be a man”. Recorded on Feb 20, 2021 as part of #100in24 — Mike’s 100 interviews in 24 hours project. #100in24 home […]
8. When Toni Tayler met Jimi Hendrix

8. When Toni Tayler met Jimi Hendrix “I don’t really know why I went. I had a boyfriend and I think I wanted him to say, ‘don’t go’ and he didn’t, so I went”. Recorded on Feb 20, 2021 as part of #100in24 — Mike’s 100 interviews in 24 hours project. #100in24 home Credits: Original […]
7. Jonno Seidler and the strongly worded letter

7. Jonno Seidler and the strongly worded letter “There’s a one in three chance it won’t come back… It’s really a waiting game but it’s been almost a year so I’m not sure about my prospects”. Recorded on Feb 20, 2021 as part of #100in24 — Mike’s 100 interviews in 24 hours project. #100in24 home […]