
No such thing as ‘bad talent’

What if there was no such thing as ‘bad talent’?

What if everyone you interview is incredible?

Hear me out.

When we ask, ‘are they good talent?’ we’re generally talking about guests, who speak clearly, at a good volume. They might have character, a sense of humour, or be totally unique. They have information, an opinion or insight that will add to the story. They can speak in full sentences (and end their sentences).

And, let’s be real, generally we mean an extrovert: someone who’s up for the chat.

But the inherent problem with the ‘are they good talent?’ question is that it often assumes the guest comes fully formed, as if we were buying a bottle of bourbon off the shelf.

With this in mind, in the search for ‘good’ I’ve often observed producers undervalue their role in helping make someone great.

When we ask, ‘are they good talent?’ instead what we sometimes mean is, ‘did we get lucky?’

Have we stumbled across someone who just happens to need very little work from us? Do they tick a few of the boxes? Are they just loud, even?

In doing this we often dismiss guests early because they don’t work off the bat.

This is problematic for a few reasons.

Firstly, we might be missing out on a potential great interview.

Secondly, on a broader level, we’re weirdly filtering the type of character or voice the audience gets to hear from.

But thirdly, we’re not doing our jobs.

Fundamental to the craft of producing is producing. Making it happen. Figuring it out.

The world is not divided into good and bad talent. Why should we think that way?

Only a Sith deals in absolutes, no?

Now, you might be wondering, ‘yes that’s a lovely thought Mike, but some people just suck’.

And if you are thinking that then I’d say, firstly, thanks for the question.

And secondly, maybe you suck?

Maybe you are not right for them.

Maybe your show or interview or what you need is not relevant to them. Maybe your style is not the right fit for their personality. Maybe you don’t have enough time.

Or maybe you’re just not doing your job?

What if you framed it like this: there’s no bad talent, only bad producers.

If you flip your attitude to one that sees everyone as incredible, but not necessarily right for you, then you might go about collecting interviews differently.

The miracle of audio storytelling is turning thin air into ideas that get collected and shared.

Are you waiting for a miracle or are you making a miracle?

Any producer can stumble onto good talent. Great producers create good talent.