
Why blog?

Jeremy Cherfas, the producer and host of Eat This Podcast, gets it.

I’ll tell you why in a moment.

But first you need to know that for the month of July I have set a goal to write every day on this blog.

I don’t have a plan. I don’t have a map. I don’t know what will work.

All I have is an attempt at the discipline required to carve out a small amount of time to write about ideas related to creative audiostorytelling and podcasting.

And the goal is to share.

To throw out some observations, prompts, and provocations and see what comes back.

We’re about halfway through the month and already it’s been a fascinating experience.

I’ve compared playing snake to podcasting’s big existential question.

I’ve had interesting discussions with James Parkinson, who has some of the best twitter banter going

Evana Ho inspired me to think about identity and job titles. I tried to coin the term ‘pod-guilt’ (it didn’t catch on).

Alex Lewis clearly hasn’t seen a lot of twitter, but still, this meant the world (coming from a MIRP board member).

But the best outcome by far was when Jeremy Cherfas of Eat This Podcast wrote a response to my ‘distribution is like going to the races’ analogy.

He wasn’t into it.

Agreeing with an idea is cool, but do you know what’s cooler?

billion dollars.

No. Taking the time to engage with an idea, deciding why you don’t agree with it, and then examining why.

Now I get to think about your perspective Jeremy, so thank you for ‘getting’ it, engaging with the idea and taking the time to write your thoughts.

It had me asking questions like:
– What constitutes a professional?
– What if it were possible to ‘pick the right horse’?
– What is ‘distribution’ and why is it so challenging?
– And of course, the eternal, why bother at all?

Go check out Jeremy’s website, including his response to the racing analogy.

Do you agree/disagree with an idea that’s come up on this blog so far?

I’m literally just making this up as we go along so I’d love to learn from your perspective too. Hit me up on twitter.